Screenplay Festival Contest – Deadline Today

I have to really thank the actors for my reading, nothing short of terrific as they were, nothing short of incredibly smart, attractive, and perceptive as they were. They brought the script to life.

– Fredric Maffai, Feature Screenplay “Moths to Flame”

FULL FEEDBACK on your screenplay from our committee of Professional Screenwriters, Production Heads and Script Consultants. Get your entire script performed at the writing festival.


Submissions take 3-5 weeks for evaluation. Looking for screenplays from all over the world.

Why this is the #1 Screenplay Festival and Contest in the World today!

– 0ffers screenwriters at all levels the fantastic opportunity to hear their scripts read aloud using TOP PROFESSIONAL ACTORS and showcased online for 1000s to see.

– Now showcasing 5x more winners than in the past. At least 20 winners a month.

– This network currently averages over 90,000 unique visitors a day and growing.

– WATCH past and recent script winning readings! CLICK HERE and see what happens when your script wins.

– Over 80% of our winners obtain an agent.

– No matter what happens, you will receive full feedback on your script by our established WILDsound Reading Committee. No other place in the world will you get coverage for the price you pay.

– Even if you’re just looking for feedback of your script, this is the festival for you.

It’s there for all to see. The proof is in the viewership. These videos garner 1000s of views online. Some of the screenplay readings are more popular than actual studio films made!

Screenplay TODAY
You will receive feedback
on your script in 3-5 weeks

The RULES are simple:

1. Write a script. Edit the heck out of it. We accept features and shorts of any genre.

2. Email your script to in .pdf, .doc, .wpd, .rtf, or .fdr format.

In the body in the email please add your:
– TYPE OF SCRIPT (feature, TV, short)
– (optional) and a 1-2 line synopsis of your screenplay.

OR if you like to mail us your script with a check, please email us and we’ll make arrangements.

PLEASE ADD YOUR FULL CONTACT INFO (especially email address) on the title page of your script!

3. Pay the $50 submission fee ( via the button below or include a cheque payable to WILDsound Film Festival. Please put your full contact info (name, email address) on a title page
Buy Now Button

Also submit via FilmFreeway:

4. OR, if you like extra full feedback, make your payment here for only $100. With this, the committee points out all grammatical and structural errors in your story. Plus, it sends you an extra 2 pages of notes to enhance your rewrite. (best deal in town!)
Buy Now Button

Watch Recent Screenplay Winners

More Recent Testimonials:

WILDsound is a screenwriter’s treasure! They take enormous time to provide the most expert, detailed feedback, even allowing my choice to incorporate all the committee’s ideas or stay with my draft. With caring support, they’ve honored each deadline and every award they promised, and I’m forever grateful for their right-on insightful niggles to enhance my story. WILDsound provides everything a screenwriter needs to find the way to a story’s successful completion. I’m forever grateful!
– Elan Carlton, Cahoots, Feature Script

I have taken the time to review your feedback and have found your comments and suggested invaluable. As an amateur writer, with this being my first attempt at a screenplay, it’s feedback like this that will help mold me into a stronger writer. I am taking your suggestions and comments into consideration and heading back to the drawing board. My time is limited and I do not want to rush myself.
– Sarah Kochan, Feature Screenplay “Infected Romance”

Thank you for your incisive feedback on my submission. I especially appreciate the specificity with which you address areas that need improvement, and I can see how revising them will make my resubmission better.
– Edythe Wise, Feature Screenplay “Orpheus Takes a Detour”

Thank you for your excellent feedback! This is my first ever script / writing attempt, so I really did need the valued advice you so clearly pointed out.
– Ben Browne, Feature Screenplay “Sinjar”

Thank you very much for your email and taking the time to write such a good feedback. I really appreciate all your comments and I will definitely take them on board. No worries about being harsh – the harder the better as it helps me to improve my writing.
– Andrew Chaos, Feature Screenplay “Release the Chaos”

A note from the CEO of WILDsound:

When I officially took over the Writing Festival in May 2013 from the old majority ownership, the new mandate was to showcase as many scripts, novels, plays, poems, and stories as possible. No more finalists or waiting for a reading for anyone who submitted. If your story is ready, we’ll perform it no questions asked. It’s that simple. As you can see since that time, we have showcased over 1000 stories/scripts at our festival and will continue to showcase 1000s more by the end of the decade. SEE HERE recent winning readings.

Our mandate first and foremost for all the submitters is to receive professional feedback from people in your industry, and we have an excellent rotation of talent who read and give you notes on your work. And they’ll tell you what stage your writing piece is at. If it’s not ready, you can re-submit your new draft anytime. If it’s ready, then we’ll make sure thousands of people see your reading online and you will obtain an agent if you do not yet have one.

When your work is ready, it benefits everyone. The festival, the people who approved your work, and of course the writer who wrote the piece. If we feel it is not ready, there is a reason as we try to find as much ready work as possible. Some months you’ll see us performing over 40 reading videos, and no matter what we always perform at least 20 stories/scripts a month at the festival.

We have the platform on our popular network and YouTube channel to showcase many writers using our large database of professional actors always excited to perform your work.

All of the submission fees go to the writer’s feedback, and the winning videos.

Matthew Toffolo, WILDsound

WATCH past and recent script winning readings! CLICK HERE and see what happens when your script wins.

There is no reading series like it!