LA Festival Feature Script: This American and Israel’s Nuclear Whistleblower VANUNU Mordechai, by Eileen Fleming

70320ccebd posterTRUE STORY based on this American’s 2005 interviews with Mordechai VANUNU, Israel’s nuclear whistle-blower who was convicted of treason and espionage in 1986. In 2004, Vanunu was released after 18 years behind bars under restrictions including he not speak to foreigners.

In 1986, VANUNU provided London’s SUNDAY TIMES two rolls of film he shot from Top Secret locations within Israel’s Dimona nuclear facility during a few harrowing hours while working the night shift as a nuclear technician.

After leaving Israel, VANUNU and his undeveloped film arrive in Australia where he converts to Christianity. After VANUNU shares his story of Israel’s nuclear program with the Anglican congregation, he connects with Peter Hounam, investigative reporter from London’s SUNDAY TIMES.

After nuclear physicists interview VANUNU in London for three days, Mossad lures him to Rome and kidnaps him on 30 September 1986. On October 5, London’s SUNDAY TIMES runs a front-page story with a three page spread including many of the photos VANUNU shot while in Top Secret locations within Israel’s nuclear facility.

A serendipitous meeting with VANUNU after this American’s gut wrenching day in Hebron begins and wraps up this movie based on stories VANUNU shared about his Orthodox Jewish childhood, adolescence, crisis of faith, army service, university activism, obtaining photos from Top Secret locations, leaving Israel, being kidnapped by Mossad in Rome and transported back to Israel for a closed door trial and 18 years behind bars mostly in solitary confinement.


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Writer Biography – Eileen Kasmir Fleming

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This middle aged American realized her childhood dream of being a reporter after a serendipitous encounter in Jerusalem with Israel’s nuclear whistle blower who had been freed from 18 years behind bars under continuing draconian restrictions including he NOT speak to foreigners or leave Israel.

Before the events of 11 Sept. 2001, I was a comfortably numb Christian. That day was the catalyst that began my research of USA Middle East polices and to journey 8 times throughout the Holy Land beginning in 2005.

In 2005, I founded in response to my first trip to Israel.

In 2006, I became the lone reporter in the world to document VANUNU’s second historic trial and ongoing struggle to leave Israel.

In 2012, I ran for US House of Rep. as an independent candidate.

In 2013, I became the first NON-Arab correspondent for USA’s TheArabDailyNews:

This American’s “30 Minutes with Vanunu” video interview:

Links to this American’s recent articles regarding Vanunu:

This American’s books regarding Vanunu:

Writer Statement

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